It was a starry night for NSSLGlobal as it’s innovatory product FusionIP won the prestigious “Most Innovative Satellite Application Award” at the VSAT Stellar Awards 2018.
FusionIP integrates the best of two communication worlds for European sea areas: LTE and satellite broadband, allowing leisure and commercial vessels to automatically switch between 4G/3G and satellite networks to achieve unified communications, optimum data speeds and cost efficiencies.
With a single system, and one point of contact for technical information, your company is safe in the knowledge that you’re receiving the best offshore connection available. This new product/service is ideal for offshore leisure and superyachts.
Download the PDF for a more detailed technical specification here.
Hermann Lohmann Bereederungen upgrades to NSSLGlobal FusionIP
On 4th September NSSL Global signed a new contract with German-based ship management company Hermann Lohmann Bereederungen (HLB) to boost satellite communications across the HLB fleet. This involves HLB’s legacy VSAT systems being replaced with NSSLGlobal’s renowned FusionIP service to provide both VSAT and 3G/4G cellular connectivity in one single solution.
Already an NSSLGlobal customer since 2016, HLB recognises the company’s value as a “one-stop-shop” for all its satellite communications needs. HLB turned to NSSLGlobal to replace the onboard communications systems on all of its existing maritime vessels with NSSLGlobal’s FusionIP service based on SAILOR 600.
Read the complete article here.
FusionIP is an adaptable, flexible product as demonstrated by the vessel tracking SUP Caspar Steinfath’s dangerous Viking Challenge 2.0 use of FusionIP
Danish stand-up-paddle (SUP) surfer, Casper Steinfath tested his physical limits through the extremely cold waters between Klitmøller, Denmark and Kristiansand in Norway, the off-shore renewable energy support vessel tracking his progress — M/V Arriver of NOS, Sweden —also tested the limits of FusionIP, using the product’s superior bandwidth to perform multiple connectivity tasks out at sea.
As well as providing full uninterrupted use of a satellite phone with fans, family and journalists for the duration of the challenge, FusionIP supported Casper’s ship-to-shore data comms with the challenge HQ and allowed Casper’s support team to keep social media followers updated with a regular stream of photos, videos and messages.
Read the complete article here.
For further information or interviews please contact:
Kiran Saini / Ben Musgrove |